Defeating Pessimism!

Season #11


Time mark: 1:38

From the Oxford Dictionary, Pessimism is:

"a tendency to see the worst aspect of things, or believe that the worst will happen; a lack of hope, or confidence and the future."

It's negative thinking. In the world that we live in with all the things that are going on, you hear about wars, you hear about disease, you hear about losing loved ones, and the shootings, criminal activity, all have these horrific things that are happening in the world, it causes you to sometimes become pessimistic.

Some people get into a frame of mind to say, well, you know what, what's the point in looking for a brighter tomorrow, or a better tomorrow? So, before you know it, they're in a pessimistic attitude.

Time mark: 11:47

Start with something in your mind that's attainable. Everything starts in the mind.

"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7a (KJV)

"Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life." - Proverbs 13:12 (NIV)

If you keep hoping for something or you keep trying to design things in such a way that is just beyond comprehension, then you set yourself up for failure. Now the hope that we had in God for our big ideas, we leave it to God. We pray, we seek the face of the Father, He gives us the plan, we work towards that. That's understandable.

I'm talking about is, along the way of trying to reach that big goal, you have to create small goals, things that are attainable along the way, that keep your hope alive, because if not, hope deferred is going to make the heart sick.

Start with something that you are able to put your hands on where it's attainable and you're able to succeed in that area. You're able to reach that goal!

Time mark: 25:13

Things happen. Things go on. Life happens, and sometimes we get these unexpected interruptions in our lives, but don't let that make you feel that all hope is lost. Put your hope in Him. Connect with Him. Let Jesus heal your wounds, let Him touch you. When you have disbeliefs, just say that, Lord I need to feel your hands. I need to feel your embrace. I need to know that's You. Let me see that. You were wounded, pierced on your side, You were bruised, you were beat with many stripes, all of this was for me! Lord, I need to feel that.

Keep your hope. Keep your trust in Him because it's all going to work out in due time, in due season. It's all going to work out.

The enemy comes to steal, to kill, and to destroy, but Jesus came to give us life and we have to remember that. We just really have to hone in on that, because if we don't, our joy will be snatched, our peace will be snatched, our zeal for life will be snatched.

I know there's a lot of things that are going on in this world, but I still say to myself, what a wonderful world. God gave us this planet to live on. There's still things to explore. There are still places to go, people to meet. There are still things that are in this earth that are worth living for. Live, live, and again I say live!

Enjoy your days to come. When you feel yourself a little downtrodden, look to the hills from which comes your help, knowing that your help is coming from the Lord. Pray: Lord you be the lifter of my head. Read your word, fast, and pray without ceasing. I encourage you to defeat pessimism! Don't give it room and when you see it creeping in, do what you need to do to make it go. The best is yet to come, and you know what? God has great things with your name on it!